04 May, 2011

Move Number Seven

from may may 2008 to present, i have moved from texas to illinois, illinois to maryland, maryland to louisiana, louisiana to colorado, colorado to illinois, illinois to florida and florida to alabama.

we got here on april 29th. i will attempt to keep this blog post relatively short, considering that we moved into our first ever single family home on a giant, beautiful lot, just far enough from the city and just close enough at the same time!

day 1: jp and mommy drove a 26 foot moving truck all by ourselves to our brand new home in alabama. we made it in GREAT time, got the truck to the weigh station, and a friend helped unload the kitchen and immediate need items. i unpacked literally the entire kitchen before going to bed. i also found a scorpion in our house before going to bed. it was no bigger than one of my knuckles, but i could hear him whispering "i'm coming for yooooooooouuuuuuuuuu".

day 2: friends come and unload our entire truck in 3 hours flat. our house looks like it was vomited into. someone asked how we could have so much stuff. unpacking begins and one of the same friends who helped unload the truck came back with his wife to bring us homemade lasagna. it was delicious. commence food coma. friends helped us put together some major furniture and unpack a lot of the living room. not much else was accomplished haha!

day 3: e leaves to go back to florida to finish school :( my parents come into town. jp and mommy go to the giant petsmart adoption weekend to scope out dogs. mommy brings a dog home. let the games begin.

day 4: dog is more active today, but i don't know much about that because jp and i go to the hospital on post to register and get all signed in to the area. now, if you'll recall, jp has a cast on. we have notes in his medical records from florida stating that he needs to get the cast off to check on some blisters that were on his feet--they wanted to make sure the blisters healed and didn't get infected under the cast. it took nearly 3 hours to get registered, plead for a walk in appointment for a referral to orthopedics, go get x-rays, then to the ortho, and then to the room to get the cast off. the cast came off. bad news: he has a pressure blister literally just over the size of a quarter on his heel. his cast had been applied incorrectly for a little boy who would eventually walk on it. it looked horrifying. they cleaned it up, applied antibiotic bandages, cleaned up his other blisters and recasted him with a walking cast. we were gone over 4 hours. he screamed off and on the whole time. i was exhausted. henson, the dog, is in love with me and sleeps next to me on the floor. he also loves jp and jp loves to feed him. i give doggie a rawhide bone. he attacks. he throws it up. awesome.

day 5: parents have done an insane amount of work. dog woke me up at 7:30. that's 6:30 central time. i am sleepy. 5 hours of errand running and utility set up today. back home. dog has separation anxiety. ok, we can deal with that. i call the listed vet to get the info on the dogs heartworm status and find out that dog is actually only 7 months old, not nearly a year like they told us. this explains a lot. dog is getting more and more excitable and forgetting that he is in fact nearly 60 pounds. he wants to be a lap dog. he keeps knocking jp over. this results in a black eye, fat lip, scraped nose and forehead. on my child. many, many, many tears are shed and i come to the decision that e and i are definitely capable of keeping a dog like this and working with him-- he is a great dog who just needs to not be a puppy-- but our son cannot suffer from a dog's puppy-dom. he must go back.

day 6: mom and i take dog back to humane society. i feel like a failure and i feel terrible for the dog. but my son's face looks horrible and my guilt begins to switch gears and i remember who is most important here. we get home and my jp (and my dad!) helps me do an insane amount of gardening. sooooo cathartic. the house is looking like a home finally and my parents have done so much work that it really feels like a home. all we need is an e.

which brings us to day 7, tomorrow. we will be heading back down to see daddy graduate from school and to celebrate with him :) we're VERY excited!!! and then we'll all come back on sunday and be happy campers :)

so that's the recap. crazy, huh!?

1 comment:

  1. we were happy to be able to come down to help u guys out!! we are exhausted and i am in need of major ibuprofen for my sore body... but i wouldnt change it for anything!! we enjoyed our time with jp and u, missed evan.... we see u guys with many happy memories in this house.. and lots of food and beauty from all ur gardens.!!
    love u all lots
