23 August, 2011

At Least This Time I Have an Excuse

so, we got settled in to the new house. we got into a decent routine. i had a week of great cooking to include an experimental recipe that i was 100% prepared to blog about.

and then

calvin james was born august 9, 2011, 6lbs 14oz, 19.5in long, at 8:50 p.m.

labor lasted 8 hours with about 2 minutes of pushing. epidural free the whole way :) he's beautiful and we are all settling into life as a family of four.


  1. we are so glad that julie could be there for his birth and that we got down immediately after to see all of u. u have a beautiful family as does ur sister and we love u all very much.
    mama turk

  2. I'm so behind on my blog reading! Congrats!!! Another beautiful baby!! Your boys are blessed to have each other. I sure miss you and I'm glad everything went well. Natural huh! Great job!
