29 November, 2010

AAAAAAAAnd We're Back!

sorry i've been out of touch! it's been a busy and wonderful holiday week for us and i wanted to soak up every minute of it because this guy was here:

he helped us make this:

which consequently put me into a food coma! we were privileged to be able to share our day with 3 other soldiers who are either single or separated from their families during school, so leftovers were sparse. my dad and E ended up smoking some fish and pork tenderloin as well! we didn't get pictures of those, we just inhaled them :)

i could go on and on and on about thanksgiving dinner, but instead i'll offer up a leftover idea. it's a little off the wall and pretty inexact. are you ready?

lettuce wraps

lettuce or large leaves (we used turnip leaves from about 8 turnips, so a lot of them!), steamed
a combination of your leftovers--mix together stuffing, corn, a little cranberry sauce and some turkey!

essentially, all you do is lay out the leaf and place a small spoonful of your mix into the very center. in this picture i have a rice and chicken mixture:

fold over one side:

then fold the bottom up:

roll it up:


if you took a spoonful of your cranberry sauce, 2 tsp mustard, 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar, and 1/3c olive oil and whisked it all together with a bit of salt and pepper, it would make a delicious dipping sauce.

i can't wait to share more of what's been going on around here! much love!!

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