30 March, 2011


you would think by this time that good ole' darwin would have slowly and methodically eliminated the mechanisms that cause morning sickness. although i can't prove it, i'm fairly certain that morning sickness has to have killed at least one person in history.

ok, that might be a stretch.

in all seriousness, i haven't had much morning sickness. a little nausea here and there, sure. but no sickness. instead i have raging heartburn and a correlating total disinterest in food. nothing sounds worth eating when your esophagus is trying to climb out of your GI tract through a gap in your ribs while your stomach attempts to maul your intestines with acidic warfare.

or while you're cleaning the aftermath of your son's rotovirus from the carpets. i digest... err... digress...

i want to update this blog. i think about it often. but at this particular moment in time i'm eating to sustain and nourish, not for joy. and focusing a sliver of my free time on something that already has me feeling frustrated sort of defeats the purpose this blog began with. it was intended to be an outlet, a piece of myself that wasn't focused on anything but myself.

food will become my dear friend again, but until it does, i'd like my blog to evolve.

my life is overflowing with silly mishaps, the quaint and common stories associated with child rearing and an army lifestyle. the posts may not all be long and i think there will rarely be anything to learn, but i hope there will be loads of laughter and eye rolling.

here we goooooooo!!!!

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