10 March, 2011


i took one.... whoops! sorry about that! pregnancy takes its toll i suppose, along with a basket full of life's other curve balls.

so pregnancy. list off in your mind a few of the common signs of an impending birth: nausea, pickles and ice cream, giant belly, swollen feet, healthy glow, FABULOUS hair, you remember.

let's talk about pickles and ice cream. pregnancy cravings and food aversions are a riot. your life becomes a sort of personal war zone with landmines in places you couldn't possibly have foreseen them. thankfully in this war you won't lose a limb, just your lunch, if you should accidentally hit one of these bombs.

my personal landmine for the past 4 months has been meat. there have been a few other odd aversions thrown in that lasted a few weeks but meat has been consistent. chicken, beef, pork, all of it looks horrifying to me. fish is my friend right now.

this isn't any major upheaval in my life because i ate vegetarian for some time. i'm quite capable of fending for myself without one of the common meat sources and even more able if i have fish. i also seem to be craving pasta and carbs of all kinds which is working in my favor!

so let's start there, with a carb-y fishy-y recipe that i will end up using stock photos for (don't judge! a hiatus is hard to come back from ;) )

tuna steaks and curried couscous
this is enough for 2 people :)

2 tuna steaks (i have no sizes for this... just... you know, steak sized...)

per serving of couscous:
use chicken stock instead of called for amount of water
1/4t ground pepper
1/4t curry powder

mix pepper and curry into chicken stock, cook couscous according to package directions.

heat a skillet to medium high and add a T or so of olive oil
season tuna steaks on one side. i think a nice peppery rub is perfect on tuna steaks! i like to use a mix of pepper, salt and one other spice and rub it on thick on one side of the steak. throw it into the skillet (it should sizzle!) and rub down the other side. cook for 2 minutes on each side for a nice rare center.

like this!

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