01 April, 2011

My Cup Overfloweth

there are so many cute lil' stories i could tell you about the past 24ish hours. things like our son watching the twin conversation video with total intrigue, laughing along at the private toddler jokes, or that he tried to feed me a cheerio mama-bird style, mushing it down in his mouth for me first. i could tell you about going to the grocery store and how he seemed to actually think the steering wheel on the kid cart was driving the whole thing. how he lifted his hands to strangers, pleading with them to remove him from the horrible restraints of a grocery cart. that we let him out during checkout and he ran to the medicine aisle where he promptly grabbed rubbing alcohol and rolaids (i sincerely hope he wasn't planning on using them together).

but my favorite story of the past 24 hours is just a tad more adorable, though it starts off kind of gross.

jp has had rotavirus for nearly 3 weeks now (it would have been nice to know what it was in the beginning so i could have known that putting him in a restraint jacket would be the only real way to prevent re-infection). that means we've had 3 weeks of newborn-esque pooping, from a toddler.

what does that mean, you ask?

it means that he's having 6-8 bm's a day (that's bowel movements, for those of you who aren't quite familiar with poop lingo yet). but 15 month old size bm's, not the cute newborn size ones. i could go into detail, but i'll let this sum it up: our pediatrician said the easiest way to diagnose rotavirus is to ask the parents how bad the smell has been. if it's the worst they've ever encountered, rotavirus is the likely culprit.

so, 3 weeks of that.

it's finally starting to clear up some, but all of that rear action is bound to have some ill effect on sensitive skin, and i would be willing to call a kid's booty sensitive. he's getting red and raw and i know it can't feel good.

last night he had a bm in his sleep. this has happened a few times now. they're usually pretty bad. this wasn't terrible, but it took a few hours between the actual event and him waking up to realize it. needless to say, his poor little bum was red and splotchy and sad looking (if butts can look sad, which they apparently can). he just kept crying and screaming and i knew my little boy didn't feel so hot. so i brought him to our room for cuddles.

he ditched me. no lie. the mommy who has been cleaning this mess for 3 weeks, who has carefully and diligently watched his food and liquid intake and let him run around naked so he could air out. the mommy who has slaved over his health. the mommy who brought him to this bed to begin with!

he wiggled out of my arms, crawled over to daddy and sprawled out on top of his back. i wish i could have taken a picture (to my knowledge my husband isn't a fan of flashes going off in his face at 2am). he doesn't really fit on e's back because of how big he is now, so their heads were sharing e's pillow and his feet were dangling off daddy from the knees down.

and he just laid there. as though daddy radiated some kind of magical healing power through his skin, a medicine that only daddy's with butts could give. mommy's couldn't know this kind of pain.

but daddy, oh, daddy knows.

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