24 October, 2010

Pepper Poppers

bread catch up! i cannot tell you how either of these breads tasted-- i gave them away the same day they were baked. i can tell you that the batch bread was the softest, smoothest dough i have made to date and i could have played with it forever.

batch bread

whole wheat pan bread

so, the bug finally hit and left me today. that's right, hit and left all in one day,
 due mostly to my wonderful husband letting me sleep through literally half of what is normally my waking hours.

his one request as repayment for taking over maternal and paternal duties was some tuna melts. i was a little nervous that the smell of tuna might not go over so well with me yet and we have some veggies we need to use up, so i made these instead!

pepper poppers
10 petite bell peppers, halved and de-seeded (mushrooms or jalapenos would also be good for this!)
1-1.5oz goat cheese
1 tbsp mayo
1/4c parmesan cheese
1 sprig thyme
1 tsp garlic
1 tsp black pepper
3 pieces of bacon
2 tbsp white wine


put the bacon and the bell peppers into one pan on medium heat, bell peppers skin side up. you don't need any oil, the bacon fat will take care of that for you!!

cook the bacon until it's crispy; flip the peppers over when they have a nice dark brown/black skin, like this:

once the skins are that great color on the other side of the peppers, transfer them to a paper towel to drain, skin side up. 

once your pan is emptied of foods, you'll still have some bacon grease in there. add the 2 tbsp of wine to it, scrape all of the char and goodies off the bottom of the pan, and let the alcohol cook off for about 2-3 minutes. take it off the heat and set it aside.

in a bowl, mix together the cheeses, mayo, pepper, thyme, garlic, crumbled bacon and the bacon grease/wine mixture. 

line a pan with foil, turn your broiler on high, and set all of your peppers, skin side down, on to the foil. scoop little bits (about a tsp) of the cheese mix on to your peppers.

put the peppers under the broiler until the cheese starts to bubble, 3-5 minutes depending on your broiler.

take them out and enjoy!!

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